Michelle Walters

Jun 12, 20233 min

Summer Sunburn Protection Tips

Summer Sunburn Protection Tips


With summer officially here, it’s time once more for sunny outdoor adventures! But before you attend any outside concerts, backyard barbecues, pool parties or long bike rides, you owe it to yourself to stay protected against the sun.
Dermatologists remind us how important is to remember: There is no such thing as a perfect healthy tan unless it's complete sunless. The best thing you can do to keep your skin looking young and healthy and prevent fine lines and wrinkles is to use sunscreen on your face daily.

Let’s talk about the best ways to stay safe against those harmful rays!

Two Types of Rays to Keep Away
Most people probably don’t know that there are two different types of UV rays: ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB). Although UVB (burning) rays are the only ones that cause sunburn, UVA (wrinkle) rays also contribute to the risk of skin cancer. Instead of burning the surface of our skin, UVA rays sink in deeper and cause wrinkles.

Shopping for the Right Kind of Sunscreen
Today there are hundreds of brands of SPF's of the sunscreen world, and it can be overwhelming when shopping for the perfect one. So you’ll have to keep an eye out for a few different things. First off, choose an option with broad-spectrum protection — this means it will protect against both types of UV rays. Protecting Against UVA. This is where ingredients really come into play. To guard yourself against UVA rays, flip over your bottle of sunscreen and see if it contains any of the following: ecamsule, avobenzone, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide, sulisobenzone or zinc oxide. At least one of those will get the job done.

Protecting Yourself Against UVB
Now here’s where we take a close look at SPF (sun protection factor). It works like this: The SPF multiplies the normal amount of time it would usually take you to get a sunburn. So if you’d burn in 15 minutes without sunscreen, applying an SPF 15 would allow you go 225 minutes before getting sunburned. SPF 15 is fine for most people, but if you have fair skin, a history of skin cancer or are taking photo-sensitizing medicine, you might want to increase the SPF.

Opt Out of Sunscreen with Alcohol
Alcohol can be so drying on the skin which creates dehydration. Be sure to select a sunscreen that contains no alcohol that but has the UVA and UVB ray protection that you need. If you are a sunless tan lover (spray tans and self tanners) you will find that alcohol-free sunscreens won't eat away or fade prematurely your tan. You can add self tanning drops to your sunscreen on each application to provide a natural tan that develops color over eight hours.

Apply Like a Pro
Sure, applying sunscreen seems like a no-brainer, but it’s worth noting a few of the finer points people might not be thinking about. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re getting the best use out of your sunscreen:

  • Go for a water-resistant sunscreen if you’re going to be in the water or sweating a lot. In FDA terms, “water-resistant” means the SPF will work up to 40 minutes after getting in the water — so don’t forget to reapply!

  • Speaking of which, you should reapply every two hours no matter what.

  • Lather yourself up 15-30 minutes before you expose yourself to the sun.

  • Don’t let your sunscreen expire — that’s a real thing.

  • Wear sunscreen even if it’s not sunny. About 80% of the sun’s UV rays still get through on an overcast day.

  • Wear lip balm (not chapstick) that protects against the sun too and provides hydration to the lips.

  • Apply at least one ounce (one shot glass worth) to cover your whole body.

Dress for Sun Sunburn Safety Success
Who says you can’t accessorize on a sunny day? Start by protecting your eyes with a pair of stylish sunglasses that have 99% to 100% UV absorption. Broad-brimmed hats and dark, tightly woven clothes are a couple of other ways to really keep those harmful rays away. Summer clothing brands offer SPF protection built into their fabrics so shop around for the styles that fit any summer event or occasion.

Hopefully this all helps you prepare for a fun and safe day out in the sunshine this summer!