I'm pretty pale. I sparkle in the light like Frosty the Snowman. There's nothing I love more than having a bit of a golden glow (what better excuse to go make-up-free for a while?), but those first few days of holiday and stepping out into the sun, uncovered for the first time in a year can be terrifying. So surely a quick spray tan before your holiday is the best option?
Many people think not. Several people I told I was getting a tan before my last holiday recoiled in horror. 'But why get one when it's so cold here and no one is really going to many holiday parties?'
There are a lot of myths surrounding pre-holiday spray-tanning, so in the name of the holiday spirit (/wanting to be bronzed every day is one of my obsessions) I paid a visit to my favorite tanning salon for an all-over spray. I woke up the next morning looking perfectly bronzed and stayed tan for one week. AAHHHHHH!!
So, there you have it: it isn't a bad idea to get a spray-tan pre-holiday. Need more convincing? Expert Tanner to all of Central Virginia, Michelle gives her best sunless tanning tips so you too can feel AH-MAZING this holiday season.
Leave it to the very last moment
“When you’re on holiday or staying around home, you want your tan to last as long as you can. As a rule, tan at the very last moment you can – maybe one or two days prior to the holiday or the night before or morning of your flight. if you are going on destination”
It’s all in the prep
“Shave or wax at least 24 hours prior to application and ensure skin is exfoliated with a dry brush or scrub. This means your skin will have an even surface, so the final result will be even AND, more importantly, it will fade evenly like a natural tan would.”
You DO tan through a spray tan
“It's important to remember that a spray tan will offer no protection from the sun and as your spray tan fades, your real tan will develop if you're out in the sun. Remember SPF is more important than self tan! Oil based spfs will encourage a tan to fade quicker than water based ones. Be sure to choose a non-alcohol and non-oil based sunscreen.
Beware when swimming or in a hot tub
“Do not get in water while your tan is still developing. It’s important to make sure you’ve washed off all the guide color beforehand. Try to not go in the pool or hot tub on the first day. Chlorinated water can strip a self tan, but this doesn’t mean you can't enjoy your holiday. If your color just needs a little boost I apply our Oh That Glow Self Tanning Mousse (8hr, Rapid, or Clear, $25.99) all over your body just once and the color perks right back up
Keep hydrated
“Drink that water" – happy hydrated skin won’t shed and will hold onto the color for longer. If you’re on a long-haul flight try to not drink alcohol as this encourages the tan to fade due to the dehydration of the skin.
Moisturise your skin using an aloe vera based body lotion or butter. We have body butter sticks for extra dry skin ($14.99) and whipped body lotion w/argan oil ($12.99). Avoid using retinol, AHAs or BHAs on your skin as these encourage cell turnover and will cause the tan to fade quicker
To shop online for self tanners and aftercare, visit www.islandglowva.com